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Farmer’s Feed

We’re celebrating peanuts (and farm pups) on this #NationalPeanutDay 🥜💚

Get to know the peanut industry ⬇️⬇️ 

- The peanut is Alabama’s official state legume. 
- Peanuts are about a $211.4 million industry in Alabama. 
- As a nitrogen-fixing crop, peanuts are a naturally sustainable rotation crop. 
- Alabama farmers produced 480.5 millions pounds of peanuts in 2023. 

Here’s to the powerful peanut and Alabama peanut producers. We are thankful for this industry.🤎

#FarmingFeedsAlabama | @alpeanuts
"These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of America's resolve." - Former President George W. Bush 

We will never forget September 11, 2001.❤️