Young Farmers

The Young Farmers Program
- Develops leadership training and experience
- Expands the varied interests of young, rural Alabamians
- Creates awareness of the problems that face today’s young farmers, and focuses on solutions to overcome these problems
- Promotes better understanding of agribusiness and current farm programs
- Broadens understanding about the organization, operation and policies of Alabama Farmers Federation
- Gives Alabama’s young farmers the opportunity to have a voice in the largest farm organization in Alabama
- Recognizes the achievements of young farmers
Young Farmers Conference
Hundreds of farmers and industry partners soak up fellowship and encouragement while touring successful farms, attending workshops and hearing from motivational speakers. This year’s conference in Gulf Shores includes educational sessions. Additionally, Outstanding Young Farm Family Top 10 interviews will be held, with finalists announced during the closing session.
Business Meeting
During the Alabama Farmers Federation’s annual meeting, delegates meet to elect committee members. All paperwork for the Young Farmers annual business meeting is due Nov. 1.
About the State Young Farmers Committee (SYFC)
- The SYFC is composed of one member from each of the 8 districts and two members at large — one from north Alabama and one from south Alabama.
- Its purpose is to develop leadership skills and work to strengthen county Young Farmers programs.
- Committee members are appointed for a two-year term.
- In even numbered years, Districts 2, 4, 6, 8 and the North at Large seat will be open for election. In odd numbered years, Districts 1, 3, 5, 7 and the South at Large seat will be open for election.
- Nominees must be 17-33 Dec. 1 of the year of election.
- Committee members are selected by voting delegates to the Young Farmers Business Meeting held at the Annual Meeting. Voting delegate certification forms are due from counties Nov. 1.
- Those interested in serving on the SYFC must submit a letter of support from the county president by Nov. 1.

Excellence in Agriculture
This competition is designed for those individuals who are involved in agriculture but do not earn more than half their income from production ag.
Candidates may compete as a married couple or individual. The competition consists of an application, a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation about your application and a 5-minute Q-and-A.
Prior competitors have included agriscience education teachers, Extension agents, NRCS employees, veterinarians, part-time farmers and ag lenders.
Applications are due June 1, and the competition is held at the Farm and Land Expo in August.
Outstanding Young Farm Family
The Outstanding Young Farm Family recognizes those who do an outstanding job on their farm and are serving in leadership positions in their communities and within the Federation. This contest is designed for those who have more than 50% of their income subject to normal production risk.
All three finalists will receive a gift from the Alabama Farmers Federation. The Outstanding Young Farm Family receives $40,000 toward purchasing a new Ford truck, courtesy of Alfa Insurance. They also receive a John Deere 825i Gator, sponsored by Alabama Ag Credit and Alabama Farm Credit, as well as a lease on a John Deere tractor provided by John Deere, TriGreen and SunSouth.
The 2024 winner receives an expense-paid trip for the AFBF National Convention in January 2025. The remaining two finalists receive a $500 cash prize thanks to Alabama Ag Credit and Alabama Farm Credit, in addition to prize packages from Kubota and Corteva Agriscience. All three finalists will be honored at the Farm & Land Conference in August.
Discussion Meet
This competition simulates a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from participants. The competitors discuss pre-selected topics, and the participants receive the topics in advance. The four bases of general discussion are cooperation, constructive criticism, problem solving and communication.
The winner receives a new four-wheeler thanks to First South Farm Credit.
Applications are due June 1, and the competition is held at the Farm and Land Expo in August.
Collegiate Discussion Meet
The State Young Farmers Committee will host a Statewide Collegiate Discussion Meet (CDM), open to undergraduate students from Alabama colleges and universities. Additional eligibility requirements and competition details can be found in the CDM Resource Guide below. Registration opens on September 1 and closes on September 30. Register at the link below.
- County Committee Resources
- County Program Ideas
- Policy Development
- Report of Work
- State Committee Job Descriptions
- State Young Farmers Structure
- SYFC Letter of Support (download, fill out and print for signature)
- Voting Delegate Certification
Division Contact Information
Hunter McBrayer
Division Director
(334) 430-6041