Federation Women’s Leadership

Women’s Leadership

Women’s Leadership

The Alabama Farmers Federation Women’s Leadership Committee provides an opportunity for women to actively participate in policymaking and policy execution activities. Federation women are encouraged to play a major role in the overall organization.

The committee is structured as an “arm of the board,” acting as liaison between Alfa’s board and membership and helping to implement Alfa policies and programs.


The Alabama Farmers Federation is a family organization where men and women work together to develop and implement the policies set forth by the members; therefore, the functions of the Women’s Leadership Division are to:

Encourage Interest

Stimulate the interest and enthusiasm of Farmers Federation women in the organization and its programs thereby materially assisting with developing and carrying out policies.

Information and Education

Provide information and education whereby Farmers Federation women can attain knowledge to help solve the problems of farmers through their organization.

Plan Projects and Activities

Plan projects and activities that will provide opportunities for women to participate and become involved in the organization.

Develop Women Members

Surface and develop the “women-power” potential for the Farmers Federation, especially trying to involve the younger female population.


Annual Conference

Hosts the annual Women’s Leadership Conference to educate participants about timely agricultural issues and programs.

Alabama Ag in the Classroom

Works closely with the Alabama Ag in the Classroom Steering Committee to host and help educate teachers about agriculture each year.

Ronald McDonald House

Works closely with the Ronald McDonald Houses in Alabama by promoting Food Check-Out Week and Pop Tab Program.

State and National Meetings

Participates in the annual Alabama Farmers Federation state meeting as well as the National American Farm Bureau Federation meeting each year as voting delegates and as members of the Southern Region Caucus.

Heritage Cooking Contest

Each fall, county Heritage Cooking Contest winners compete on the state level for prizes and bragging rights.

Join the Women’s Leadership Committee

The Alabama Farmers Federation brings together women for a common cause. The more women we have involved, the more we can accomplish for agriculture and the issues affecting it as a whole.

By becoming a member of the Alabama Farmers Federation and Women’s Leadership Committee, you have an opportunity to network with other women from an agricultural background, enjoy many member benefits, and work with committees on the county and state levels.


Kim Earwood
Division Director
(334) 612-5370

Committee Documents

Women's Leadership Committee logo