News 2010 Commodity Organizational Conference Set For Feb. 2-4

2010 Commodity Organizational Conference Set For Feb. 2-4

2010 Commodity Organizational Conference Set For Feb. 2-4
November 22, 2009 |

Farmers representing 17 commodities will meet at Birmingham’s Cahaba Grand Conference Center on Feb. 2-4 for the Alabama Farmers Federation’s annual Commodity Organizational Conference.According to Federation Commodity Director Jimmy Carlisle, the three-day event has a three-fold purpose: To elect state commodity committee members, set goals and priorities for 2010 and share concerns and ideas on current issues in the respective commodities.”The Commodity Organizational Conference is an important first step in starting a new year,” said Carlisle. “It’s when we elect the leaders who’ll work for their respective commodities, it’s when we begin focusing on our goals and priorities and it’s when we set the tone for the upcoming year. It’s a critical time for all of us in agriculture. That’s why it’s essential to stay abreast of research, stay informed about legislative activities and understand how certain regulatory issues can affect our commodities. And that’s why we need broad-based representation of our commodity leaders.”For that reason, Carlisle urges all county commodity chairmen and vice chairmen from all 17 commodities to attend.Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. with commodity meetings beginning at 9:30 a.m. and concluding around 3:30 p.m.The meeting date for each commodity is listed below: Tuesday, Feb. 2 — Bee & Honey, Beef, Catfish, Horticulture, Pork and Wildlife.Wednesday, Feb. 3 — Cotton, Forestry, Hay & Forage, Meat Goat & Sheep and Poultry.Thursday, Feb. 4 — Dairy, Equine, Greenhouse, Nursery & Sod, Soybean and Wheat & Feed Grains.The Alabama Peanut Producers Association will meet in conjunction with the Alabama/Florida Peanut Trade Show on Feb. 11, 10 a.m., at Dothan’s National Peanut Festival.For more information about the organizational conference, contact the Commodity Department at 1-800-392-5705, ext. 4293 or email GMullins@AlfaFarmers.org.

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