News Agriculture Declared Critical Infrastructure

Agriculture Declared Critical Infrastructure

Agriculture Declared Critical Infrastructure

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security included food and agriculture in a list of “essential critical infrastructure” industries which have a responsibility to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The list, issued Thursday, specifically mentions farm labor, food manufacturers, animal agriculture workers, equipment manufacturers, the forest industry and employees in the distribution chain for necessary agriculture and forest products and supplies.

“Farmers in Alabama and across the U.S. continue working to grow the food and fiber we all need,” said Alabama Farmers Federation President Jimmy Parnell. “Their resilience in the face of challenges should encourage all Americans. We are blessed with abundant and affordable food, thanks to their determination, innovation and hard work. The Federation is working with our members, Alabama’s Congressional delegation and USDA officials to address their concerns and ensure an uninterrupted supply of agricultural products for our country.”

Click here for the entire announcement.

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