News Alabama Farmers Federation Donates Books To School Libraries

Alabama Farmers Federation Donates Books To School Libraries

Alabama Farmers Federation Donates Books To School Libraries
November 23, 2012 |

Elementary schools around the state will soon have a new agriculture book in their libraries courtesy of a donation from the Alabama Farmers Federation and Alabama Ag in the Classroom (AITC).Named the 2012 Book of the Year by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture, How Did That Get in My Lunchbox? The Story of Food, by Chris Butterworth, will make its way onto the library shelves at public and private elementary schools throughout the state.“This book is a great educational tool for young students,” said Women’s Leadership Director Kim Ramsey. “It uses great illustrations to show how each part of a meal, from the sandwich and juice to the clementines, gets its start at a farm.”In total, more than 850 books were donated to promote agricultural literacy.Each elementary school also will receive information about mini-grants for agriculture education and the AITC Summer Institute, an in-service training program that introduces teachers to Alabama farming and provides agriculture lesson plans and curriculum planning.Applications for the institute will be available after the first of the year. For more information on AITC, including lesson plans and curriculum ideas for the classroom, visit AlabamaAITC.org.

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