Alfa Adjuster Delivers Saving-Grace Service

By Brooke Foster
Delivering on the promise has always been an important part of what Arthur Smith of Boaz expects in an insurance company.
On May 2, 2023, Alfa Insurance delivered big time.
“I was burning some trees on my land, something I’d done for years without any problems,” said Smith, recalling the day his incident-free track record went up in smoke. “Little did I know what was ahead for me.”
Shortly after starting the burn, strong winds spread smoldering embers to a nearby field where his tractor was parked. Smith said he didn’t know the field was ablaze until a neighbor called.
“I immediately called the fire department, but by the time they got there, the tractor was a crispy critter,” said Smith. “I’m just thankful the fire wasn’t even worse.”
Once the smoke cleared, Smith — a military veteran and retired adjuster whose motto was “deliver on the promise” — called his local Alfa agent to file a claim on his tractor. The next day, Alfa Claims Adjuster Justin McMullins was at Smith’s doorstep ready to conduct a routine inspection.
“As we were walking across the creek toward the field where the tractor was located, I heard Mr. Smith cry out in a yelp,” McMullins said. “When I turned to see what was wrong, I saw him fall right on the edge of a large rock. It was obvious he was hurt.”

McMullins sprang into action. After calling 911, he waited with an immobile Smith until the ambulance arrived.
To pass the time and shift Smith’s focus from his injuries, the gentlemen shared stories and laughs — something they joke may have contributed to one of Smith’s five broken ribs. He also had a collapsed lung.
While the road to recovery was longer than Smith expected, he said he could never thank McMullins enough for being there through it all.
“He never left my side. I truly don’t know what I would’ve done, or how long I would’ve laid there, if Justin wasn’t with me that day,” Smith said.
Today, Smith tends the land on a tractor he purchased thanks to Alfa’s swift claims service.
“Justin went so far above and beyond what he had to do,” Smith said. “After the medics had me, he carried on to the field to finish the task at hand. He knew that was my only tractor, that I really relied on it, and he saw to it to finish that claim up quickly. I’m so grateful.”
A year later, McMullins said he’s thankful Smith is OK and back working the land.
“I know I’ve got a lifelong friend in him now,” McMullins said with a smile.
To learn more about Alfa’s claims service, visit