News Alfa Launches New And Improved Web Site

Alfa Launches New And Improved Web Site

Alfa Launches New And Improved Web Site
December 17, 2009 |

Alfa’s new Web site ( is now faster, slicker and more user friendly than ever before as teams continue working on new features to enhance its value and meet customer demands. Executive Vice President of Operations Lee Ellis says the focus is on making the site a good experience for customers.”The new Alfa Web site looks outstanding and is a result of many different teams at Alfa and elsewhere working together on a common goal,” Ellis said. “We want this to be an innovative and continuously evolving project focused on the ways that people want and expect to do business with their insurance company. We are making great strides and the future additions that are currently in progress will only continue to enhance this initiative.”Executive Vice President of Marketing Herman Watts said the new site provides features now expected in today’s online environment. “I’m excited because this new Web site really takes Alfa to a higher level in customer service,” Watts said. “With more emphasis on the toll-free customer service number and online chat, Marketing Resource Center analysts will be busier than ever. I’m proud of the work they’re doing along with all the teams working on this project.”Visitors to the site will find even more ways to communicate directly with Alfa, whether online or by phone. The toll free number, 1-800-964-2532, appears throughout the site. These calls go to analysts and if necessary will be rerouted back to a local agent. Analysts can also give auto insurance quotes over the phone.According to Walter Overby, vice president of Corporate Internet and E-business, there is a needed and direct relationship between the customer service line and the Web site in order to assist customers effectively.”The Internet and the Marketing Resource Center are joined at the hip,” he said.Overby is tasked with leading Alfa’s Internet initiative and keeping the complexity of all the moving pieces together.
Besides the brand new look and feel of the Web site, this first phase of new features includes:Online chat: Users can chat with an analyst directly on the Web site by clicking on the chat button. This enhances the customer experience with Alfa by providing yet another venue for people to communicate directly with the company and get help. Customer stories: It is important for potential customers to see what makes Alfa different from the rest and positive customer experiences do just that. A new feature on the site allows customers to send Alfa their stories to share with the world. Social networking sites: Small icons to Alfa’s Facebook, Twitter and YouTube sites are now at the bottom of each page of the Web site. These social media sites allow for a more casual, but important way for Alfa and customers to interact. A redesigned version is also available for customers on the go wanting to connect to Alfa’s Web site through their iPhone or Blackberry device at this is just a taste of things to come. Other enhancements are in progress and will surely please customers. Just a few of the items currently in development include:
• More online quoting capabilities
• Ability for customers to log-in and view policy information
• Online auto insurance ID cards
• Ability to request changes online”Our goal is make the customer experience easy, fast and have them leave with a good experience. We will strive to always have something new and innovative for our customers who choose to do business through our Web site and Marketing Resource Center,” Overby said.

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