Annual Auburn University Ag Roundup Set For Homecoming, Oct. 3

Auburn University alumni, students and football fans will enjoy the 36th Fall Roundup and Taste of Alabama Agriculture during this year’s homecoming festivities Saturday, Oct. 3.
The event will take place at Ag Heritage Park, starting four hours before kickoff of the Auburn–San Jose State game at Jordan-Hare Stadium. Game time will be announced in September.
Ag Roundup, co-sponsored by Auburn’s College of Agriculture and the Auburn Agricultural Alumni Association, is a super-sized tailgate party. Attendees may sample a wide variety of Alabama- grown or processed foods. Typical fare runs the gamut from fried chicken, fried catfish and corn dogs to edamame, satsumas, collard greens and sweet potato fries.
In addition, Ag Roundup features children’s activities, informative exhibits and live and silent auctions for College of Agriculture scholarships.
“Last year’s Roundup drew a record crowd of over 3,000, and gate receipts and auction proceeds generated more than $21,000 for student scholarships in the College of Agriculture,” said Amanda Martin, student recruitment and alumni relations coordinator in the college. “Our hope is 2015 will be even bigger.”
This year, musical entertainment will be provided by Jessie Lynn Nichols, an agricultural communications major from Prattville.
The main entrance will be located between Ham Wilson Livestock Arena and the Alabama Farmers Pavilion. Cost is $5 a person at the gate with children 6 and under admitted free. The event will close an hour prior to kickoff.
Ag Roundup increases public awareness of agriculture and the major impact it has on Alabama’s economy. Through the years, the event evolved as a favorite homecoming tradition for Tiger fans.
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