Auburn Gears Up For 27th Annual Fall Roundup & Taste Of Alabama

Planning is under way for Auburn University’s largest tailgate party — the 27th annual Fall Roundup and Taste of Alabama Agriculture — to be held homecoming Saturday, Oct. 21, at AU’s Ag Heritage Park.The event is both a reunion opportunity for alumni and friends of the AU College of Agriculture and a chance for the public to learn more about the importance of agriculture to Alabama and AU.During the roundup, visitors can sample many of Alabama’s finest agricultural products — from catfish and burgers to peanuts and collards. They can also view exhibits and displays by student organizations and departments within the College of Agriculture, listen to live music presented by ag-related faculty and friends and enjoy children’s activities and visits from Aubie, the AU Pep Band and AU cheerleaders.”Ag Roundup gives Auburn alumni and friends an opportunity to renew old friendships and make new ones,” said AU Ag Alumni Association President Jeff Helms, who serves as communications director for the Alabama Farmers Federation. “It’s also a chance for the agriculture community to see Ag Heritage Park, which is taking shape with the addition this year of the Alabama Farmers Pavilion, the reconstructed Red Barn and a spectacular new pond.”Auctions, both live and silent, will be a major highlight of the morning’s activities. Monies raised from these auctions provide much-needed scholarship support for deserving students in the College of Agriculture. Last year’s Ag Roundup Auction raised more than $9,000 for scholarships.This year’s roundup, co-sponsored by the College of Agriculture and the AU Agricultural Alumni Association, will be held from 9 a.m. until noon at Ag Heritage Park.Admission to the Roundup is $5 per person with children 10 and younger admitted free.Ag-related businesses and organizations are invited to set up exhibits at the event free of charge. Each exhibitor will be provided a table and chairs. For more information on the roundup or a booth or to donate auction items, call (334) 844-3204 or (334) 844-3596.