News Brothers Rewarded for Practical Poultry Extension Efforts

Brothers Rewarded for Practical Poultry Extension Efforts

Brothers Rewarded for Practical Poultry Extension Efforts
September 6, 2024 |

By Tanner Hood

Dennis Brothers’ steady tone and deliberate demeanor guided poultry professionals during a project update meeting at Auburn University (AU) in early July.  

The depth of Brothers’ knowledge was on display as he presented a new production cost calculator tool — one example of the practical programming that earned him the Duncan Award for Excellence in Production Agriculture & Forestry Extension.

Brothers received the sixth annual award at the Alabama Farmers Federation Farm & Land Conference in Montgomery Aug. 3.

“I’m always looking for ways to benefit the guy out there with chicken manure on his boots,” Brothers said. “The people are what make any job rewarding for me.”

Whether standing in a chicken house or working behind a desk, Brothers’ goal is to make farmers profitable. 

“My job has always been focused on economics — trying to take knowledge and information and boil it down where a grower can benefit from it,” said Brothers, an associate Extension professor in AU’s Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Department. 

The Federation presents the Duncan Award to AU and Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) professionals who have helped Alabama farmers. Brothers will receive $5,000 for programming costs from the Alabama Farmers Agriculture Foundation.

“I was blown away when I found out I received the award,” Brothers said. “It’s humbling knowing it comes from the people I’ve been trying to help.”

Brothers joined ACES in 2011 as an assistant Extension professor after 12 years in the poultry industry private sector. He moved into his current role in 2018. 

“I’ve spent lots of time outside academia, so I feel I have an opportunity to bring a different view into this arena,” Brothers said. “I ask myself how I can help farmers make better decisions in running their businesses.” 

Since 2011, Dennis Brothers has served poultry producers through Auburn University and Alabama Extension.

That perspective has led to projects like the poultry production cost calculator tool, a “New Farmer’s Guide to the Commercial Broiler Industry” manual and co-authoring the 2022 Alabama Ag & Forestry Economic Contribution Study.

Federation State Poultry Committee Chairman Joe Murphy said Brothers’ commitment and contributions to Alabama farmers make him deserving of this recognition. 

“We’re extremely blessed to have Dennis working on behalf of Alabama’s poultry farmers and Extension,” said Murphy, who raises poultry in Pike County and nominated Brothers for the Duncan Award. “One of the most impactful resources Dennis has developed is his poultry budgeting tool. He has revolutionized the way we approach budgeting and business management.”

Federation Poultry Division Director Colton Christjohn agreed. 

“Dennis understands poultry growers and their need for efficiency,” Christjohn said. “His efforts are paying dividends one flock at a time.”

Building relationships and seeing positive outcomes on Alabama farms propels Brothers’ poultry purpose. 

“Ultimately, getting the opportunity to make someone’s life a little easier makes it worth it,” Brothers said. “A lot of times there is someone out there who you’re helping, and you don’t even know it. That’s what makes me get up every day and do it again.” 

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