Census Of Ag Report Form Coming In January
Alabama’s farmers will receive a 2007 Census of Agriculture form in their mailboxes during the first two weeks of January 2008, according to Bill Weaver, director of the Alabama Field Office for the USDA/National Agricultural Statistics Service.Conducted every five years by the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, the census enables agricultural producers to show the American people the value and importance of Alabama’s agriculture and is the only comprehensive, uniform source of agricultural data at the county level.Not only does the census give the farmers and ranchers of Alabama the chance to be heard, it also gives them the valuable opportunity to influence key decisions that will shape the direction of American agriculture in general and Alabama agriculture specifically for years to come.All those who serve farmers and rural communities — federal, state and local governments, agribusinesses, trade associations and many others — use census data.”The Census offers a tremendous value to all rural stakeholders, and the return justifies the time it takes to complete the form,” said Weaver.”So if you receive a census report form, please fill it out to the best of your ability and return it. Even if you think you may not qualify as a farm, it is important to fill out the report form anyway.”If you have not received a questionnaire by the second or third week in January and you think you may qualify as a farm, call (334) 279-3555 to request a report form.Additional information about the 2007 Census of Agriculture can also be found at www.nass.usda.gov.