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Wildlife Division

Wildlife Division

Wildlife Division represents farmers on a national, state and local level and has county committees in 54 counties in Alabama and provides an exchange of information between those who manage the wildlife of Alabama and those who seek to enjoy the outdoors as well as reduce damage caused by wildlife to Alabama producers..

Hunting and fishing is a $2.4 billion dollar industry in Alabama and is growing every year. These sports and the many activities associated with them are not only a tradition in most rural areas of the state, but also a major source of income for rural residents and businesses.

There are millions of acres of wildlife habitat in Alabama, including thousands of acres of public hunting areas. The Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources continues development, maintenance, and management of 626,500 acres of land for the Alabama hunters. These areas are financed with funds derived from hunting licenses and federal excise tax on firearms and ammunition.

William Green
Wildlife Division Director
(334) 612-5235