News County Presidents Hold Meeting In Muscle Shoals

County Presidents Hold Meeting In Muscle Shoals

County Presidents Hold Meeting In Muscle Shoals
August 13, 2018 |

Agricultural tours, insurance company updates and a report from the Membership Dues Study Committee were all part of the Alabama Farmers Federation’s County Presidents Conference in Muscle Shoals July 19-22. 

The group visited the International Fertilizer Development Corp. in Muscle Shoals, which conducts activities in collaboration with national and international organizations throughout the world. Most fertilizers in use worldwide were developed in Muscle Shoals. 

Alfa Insurance personnel presented about innovations in company technology. They also shared information about new insurance options for small business owners and expansion of farmowner policy insurance options. 

The Membership Dues Study Committee proposed an increase to provide an additional $1 to American Farm Bureau Federation for a national dues increase, effective January 2019. The proposal also provides funds for county federations plus additional commodity, field staff and marketing services. 

A Bylaws Committee appointed by Federation President Jimmy Parnell will consider the recommendation. Dues changes require approval by delegates at the Federation’s December annual meeting.

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