News Cow-Calf Producers Conference Is Aug. 12

Cow-Calf Producers Conference Is Aug. 12

Cow-Calf Producers Conference Is Aug. 12
June 30, 2017 |

Cow-calf producers across the state will gain valuable insight on how to rebuild their herds successfully during the Auburn University Department of Animal Sciences’ 2017 Beef Cattle Conference, Aug. 12, from 8 a.m.-3 p.m., at the Ham Wilson Livestock Arena in Auburn. 

The conference is designed to equip cattle owners with knowledge and management tools to better their operations in critical production areas. It will include reports on Auburn research, strategic crossbreeding, reproductive efficiency, forage system management and market projections.

Workshops will focus on advanced technologies to optimize reproductive success; calving season preparation; beginning to farm/ranch with a niche in mind; and beef carcass cut-outs and evaluation.

Conference registration is $60 before July 31 and $100 after. It includes a bound departmental report, conference presentation summaries, content for afternoon workshops and lunch.

Producers are encouraged to register early at Space for the conference is limited.

For more information, registration, corporate partnerships or youth discounts, contact the Auburn Department of Animal Sciences at (334) 844-1521. 

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