Farmers Encouraged To Nominate Experts For Annual Awards

Alabama farmers are encouraged to nominate research and Extension personnel whose work tangibly impacted their farms for two awards from the Alabama Farmers Federation.
Nominations are due June 2. Click here to access the nomination form.
Federation Governmental and Agricultural Programs Department Director Mitt Walker said recent challenges have showcased the impact researchers and Extension professionals can have on Alabama farms and forestland.

“Farming is rewarding but challenging, and our members are thankful for help to stay innovative, profitable and sustainable,” Walker said. “It’s a privilege to honor individuals who continually step up to the plate to help farmers.”
The Rittenour Award for Production Agriculture & Forestry Research will recognize Auburn University faculty for creative and original research. The winner receives up to $10,000 in program support, which can fund graduate students or research operations.
The Duncan Award for Excellence in Production Agriculture & Forestry Extension will honor Alabama Extension staff developing or implementing solutions for stakeholder-identified problems. The winner receives up to $5,000 for programming costs.
Winners will be recognized at the Federation’s summer conference Aug. 10 in Mobile.