Farmers Federation Supports Hooper In July 18 Runoff

Of the statewide candidates facing opposition in the June 6 primaries, all but one endorsed by Alabama Farmers Federation either won outright or will be in a runoff July 18. Eighty-three percent of the candidates supported by the Federation in key legislative races also either won or will be in the July runoff.”This success in the primary elections is indicative of the grassroots efforts of our members, strong county and staff leadership, and extremely hard work,” said Federation President Jerry A. Newby. “We want to thank everyone involved and encourage you to keep working and to vote in the very important runoff election July 18 and the general election in November.” Perry O. Hooper Jr., running for the Public Service Commission, is the endorsed statewide candidate facing a runoff with John Amari.Hooper has been a longtime friend of the Alabama Farmers Federation and Alfa. During his 19 years in the Alabama legislature, he worked closely with the Federation on a number of vitally important issues. He sponsored and led the fight to allow silent prayer in schools, ban partial- birth abortion and prohibit same-sex marriage. He also sponsored, and Alabama voters overwhelmingly ratified, a constitutional amendment prohibiting judges from raising taxes without action by the legislature or a vote of the people.He supported tort reform and stood toe-to-toe against the plaintiff trial lawyers and passed legislation which ended “Jackpot Justice” in Alabama.As a representative, Hooper fought efforts to raise taxes on Alabama families. On the Public Service Commission, he said he will fight with the same vigor against every effort to raise utility bills.Hooper is a devoted family man and a successful businessman. He and his wife, Judy, a school teacher, have three sons.Republican legislative candidates endorsed by the Federation and facing a runoff July 18 include Chad Fincher, Mobile; Rusty Glover, Mobile; Pat Moore, Jefferson; Greg Canfield, Jefferson; and Vicki Bailey, Jefferson. The race of Greg Albritton, Baldwin County, was undecided at press time.A.J. McCampbell, Marengo County, faces opposition in the Democratic runoff.