News Federation Cookbook Wins National Award

Federation Cookbook Wins National Award

Federation Cookbook Wins National Award
July 31, 2013 |

The Farming Feeds Alabama cookbook published by the Alabama Farmers Federation was named Best Communication Tool during the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 2013 Communications Conference, held June 22-25 in Portland, Ore.

The 248-page, hardcover book is filled with mouth-watering recipes, beautiful photos and numerous stories about hard-working Alabama farm families who help grow the most affordable and abundant food supply in the world.

“The cookbook has been a huge success among our members and non-members alike in Alabama, but it is especially nice to know others outside our state, particularly other public relations professionals, recognize the book’s quality,” said Jeff Helms, director of the Federation’s Department of Communications and Public Relations.

Several members of the Federation’s staff worked on the cookbook and were recognized for the award. They are Jeff Helms, Paula Culver, Melissa Martin, Debra Davis, Mary Johnson, Katie Wendland and Miranda Mattheis.

Federation members can purchase a cookbook online at FarmingFeedsAlabama.com for $22, plus sales tax and shipping.

The Grains of Truth campaign, created for the Alabama Wheat and Feed Grains Producers by the Federation’s Communications and Public Relations staff, received honorable mention for the Best Advertising Campaign or Spot. The Layar Application implemented by Director of New Media Mike Moody and used to launch videos that accompany stories in Neighbors magazine, received an honorable mention for Best Use of Single Social Media Platform.

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