Federation Launches Issues-Oriented VolunteerAlabama.org

Encouraged by recent victories in stopping a $1.2 billion tax hike in 2003 and getting an “eminent domain” bill passed that effectively negated a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that would have allowed the government to seize private property, the Alabama Farmers Federation recently launched a new website, www.VolunteerAlabama.org, to help fight future challenges. “A democracy works best when many people get involved in the governing process,” said John Pudner, director of the Federation’s External Affairs Department. “The goal of this website is to get as many people involved as possible so that elected officials are more likely to reflect the will of the people. If people are apathetic and don’t take opportunities like this to express their opinions, then political insiders will get their way in Montgomery.”The VolunteerAlabama.org project seeks to better understand how Alabamians feel about issues and elected officials. The website urges visitors to become involved in the election process by completing a brief survey. In doing so, visitors will be given the name of their state senator and state representative and be given the opportunity to rate their performance.The survey also asks for visitors’ opinions about candidates and issues facing the state. Visitors can answer just a few, most or all of the questions in the survey.Visitors to the “home page” of the site can read of the recent successes the Federation has enjoyed, and how they can volunteer to become a part of future successes. Visit today at www.volunteeralabama.org