The Alabama Peanut Producers Association (APPA) made a special delivery May 11 and donated about 25,000 – 12-ounce jars of peanut butter to the Montgomery Area Food Bank, for distribution to other food banks throughout the state.The contribution will help needy families enduring economic hardships while increasing the awareness of the health benefits of peanuts and peanut butter. In addition to the Alabama Peanut Producers Association (APPA), various peanut-related companies and organizations donated the peanut butter.”This project was initiated by our association and joined by the Alabama Farmers Federation in those counties that produce peanuts,” said Coffee County peanut farmer Carl Sanders, president of the APPA. “We hope our donation today will help the food banks in Alabama fill the void which occurred over the last several months and help them reach even more individuals who may be in need.”The shipment was delivered to Montgomery by Southern Ag Carriers, a major transportation company in the peanut industry, which donated its services for the event. The peanut butter was manufactured by Tara Foods of Albany, Ga., a subsidiary of the Kroger Company.”Agriculture is a vital part of not only this state, but this country as a whole,” said U.S. Rep. Bobby Bright, D-Montgomery, who was on hand for the donation ceremony. “I’m proud to be a part of this event today and continue to look forward to representing this area and protecting its interests in Washington.”Alabama Farmers Federation President Jerry A. Newby praised the work of Alabama peanut farmers and employees of the food bank. He also said he is sure the donation will be put to good use.”I’m a lover of peanut butter,” Newby said. ‘I’ve loved it since I was a boy. We know all the people who receive this peanut butter are certainly going to enjoy it.”Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks also was on hand for the donation. Sparks’ office assisted with the donation by contributing $2,500 toward the project.”For the Alabama Peanut Producers, donating peanut butter to food banks across the state is a truly gracious offering,” Sparks said. “Peanut butter is extremely nutritious, easy to use and store and certainly is delicious. This will provide many people with a healthy lunch or snack that is grown and produced right here in Alabama.””More than 50 percent of the peanuts grown in Alabama are used in peanut butter,” Sanders said. “As we often like to say, ‘this donation represents a wholesome product from our farms to your table.'”