Meetings Help Navigate Farm Bill
A series of meetings to help farmers understand new Farm Bill programs will be held in December. All meetings begin at 1 p.m. and are free. See the table on this page for dates and locations.
“Alabama farmers face more complicated choices than farmers in other parts of the country,” said Alabama Extension Associate Director Paul Brown. “That is because Alabama producers grow many different crops. The decisions our producers make now will be valid until this Farm Bill expires in 2018.”
The meetings are part of the Alabama Farm Bill Task Force’s efforts to educate farmers. Task force members include representatives of Alabama Extension, Alabama Farmers Federation and US Department of Agriculture agencies in the state. Extension professionals and USDA Farm Service Agency representatives will provide training at the meetings.
Each farm bill program has specific criteria that must be met and demands different levels and types of documentation with different deadline and implementation dates.
Extension economist Max Runge described the 2014 Farm Bill as a risk management tool that can be utilized in ways that are best for an individual farmer.
“There are no good rules of thumb or blanket choices for producers,” Runge said. “Each producer needs to look at their situation and determine what their best Farm Bill program options are.”
For more information on the meetings, contact Runge at (334) 844-5603 or, or call a local county Extension office; or contact Alabama Farmers Federation National Legislative Programs Director Mitt Walker at (334) 613-4757 or or Federation Cotton, Soybean and Wheat & Feed Grains Director Carla Hornady at (334) 613-4216 or
Alabama farmers also may find deadlines and important information on the 2014 Farm Bill at