News Politics And Humor Focus Of Women’s Leadership Conference

Politics And Humor Focus Of Women’s Leadership Conference

Politics And Humor Focus Of Women’s Leadership Conference
June 14, 2012 |

More than 220 female members of the Alabama Farmers Federation enjoyed humor, politics and personal development at the 2012 Women’s Leadership Conference in Birmingham April 1-3.Members collected 1,122 pounds of aluminum pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House of Birmingham prior to the start of the conference. The Ronald McDonald Houses in Birmingham and Mobile are designated service projects of the Federation’s Women’s Leadership Division. Conference attendees also enjoyed special massage therapy treatments prior to the meeting’s official start.Jenny Nolen, a noted inspirational and motivational speaker from Mississippi, entertained the crowd during Sunday’s opening session with her humorous delivery of life lessons and observations.Monday morning’s breakfast program included a healthy portion of politics as Federation National Legislative Programs Director Mitt Walker discussed important legislation pending in Congress, including child labor rules, budgets and the impact of the farm bill.
“I’ve always heard that if you want something done, ask the members of our Women’s Leadership Committee to do it,” Walker said. “That’s certainly true when it comes to politics. They are engaged in every aspect of our organization and greatly responsible for its success.”Brian Hardin, the Federation’s assistant director of Governmental and Agricultural Programs, and David Cole, the Federation’s Agricultural Legislation director, discussed state political issues with attendees.Other workshops held covered landscape architecture and female health issues, as well as positive thinking through humor.The Women’s Leadership Conference merged with the Alabama Farm-City Awards Luncheon, where many of the Federation leaders were recognized for their participation on that program.The closing banquet featured Alabama Public Service Commissioner Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh, who is seeking election as president of the commission. Cavanaugh, a former Miss Montgomery Farm Bureau Queen, reviewed her long history with the Federation and her journey into politics.Women’s Leadership Division Director Kim Earwood said outstanding speakers, interesting workshops and eager participants made this one of the best Women’s Conferences yet.
“Members of the State Women’s Committee worked hard to make sure our conference had something for everyone,” Earwood said. “We had so many positive comments about the conference, and I think everyone learned something they could take home with them.”

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