Revised CWD Response Plan Released
The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) released a revised Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Strategic Surveillance and Response Plan. CWD is found in 26 states, the closest in southwest Tennessee and north Mississippi.
In Alabama, it’s illegal to import live cervids or cervid parts. Meat from out-of-state cervids may be imported if completely deboned and cleaned.
Since 2002, ADCNR tested over 8,000 wild and captive white-tailed deer with no positive CWD test results. Priority is placed on samples from target and road-killed animals, with hunter-harvested deer and deer taken under depredation permits also used. ADCNR may use sharpshooting to collect samples, but only with landowner permission and full cooperation. Continued sampling will occur with goals set at the county level. Sampling goals are based on a relative risk assessment for each county. To learn more, contact William Green at (334) 612-5235 or visit