Senate Passes Lime Labeling Bill

Currently, there’s no standard for the quality of lime sold in Alabama. Supporters say the additional information would help farmers improve efficiency when applying the soil amendment.
Senate Passes Lime Labeling Bill
The Senate unanimously passed legislation Thursday requiring agricultural lime to be labeled based on its effectiveness in neutralizing soil acidity.
SB 190 by Sen. Larry Stutts, R-Tuscumbia, would define relative neutralizing value based on the calculation of calcium carbonate equivalent in relation to the percent of lime passing through certain size mesh screens. Currently, there’s no standard for the quality of lime sold in Alabama. Supporters say the additional information would help farmers improve efficiency when applying the soil amendment.
A companion bill, HB 155 sponsored by Rep. Jamie Kiel, R-Russellville, previously passed the House. Both bills await committee action in the second chamber of the Legislature.