News Shellys Named Outstanding Young Farm Family

Shellys Named Outstanding Young Farm Family

Shellys Named Outstanding Young Farm Family
April 6, 2010 |

Gaylan and Angie Shelly of Atmore in Escambia County were named the 2009 Outstanding Young Farm Family during the closing session of the Alabama Farmers Federation’s 88th annual meeting at the Arthur R. Outlaw Convention Center in
Mobile.The Shellys, who have five children and nearly 2,400 acres of row crops, were selected to compete for the award after being named the Outstanding Young Farm Family in the Cotton Division last year.The Shellys have a diversified farm that includes cotton, corn, soybeans and wheat. They increased their profit margin over the last couple years by adding grain storage facilities and a trucking business, Gaylan said.As the 2009 Outstanding Young Farm Family, the Shellys represented Alabama at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Annual Meeting in Seattle, Wash., in January. As this year’s winner they received the use of a John Deere tractor from SunSouth, Tri-Green, Snead Ag and John Deere as well as the use of a 2010 Dodge Journey and $500 cash from Dodge. They also were awarded a John Deere Gator courtesy of the Federal Land Bank of Alabama, a new computer package from ValCom Wireless/CCS Technology Centers located in Abbeville and Dothan, Ala., and several other prizes.Gaylan, 35, farms with his dad, Arlan, and although they aren’t partners, Gaylan said they share equipment and often help each other on their respective farms.In another contest, Jennifer Cruise of Morgan County, a member of the Federation’s state equine committee, took first place in the Discussion Meet to earn $1,000 cash from Dodge Trucks. She was among the final four at the AFBF’s national competition. Matt and Amy Winstead of Limestone County took top honors in the Excellence in Agriculture contest. They earned $1,000 from First South Farm Credit and Dodge and an expense-paid trip to Seattle where they competed in the AFBF’s national competition.

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