News State Cotton Checkoff Referendum Set For April 15

State Cotton Checkoff Referendum Set For April 15

State Cotton Checkoff Referendum Set For April 15
March 2, 2015 |

On Wednesday, April 15, Alabama cotton producers will have the opportunity to support the state cotton checkoff by voting for a uniform assessment in an amount not to exceed $1 per bale. The uniform assessment would replace the voluntary assessment approved by the qualified voters in 2012. The assessment rate would be set annually by the Alabama Cotton Commission and applied to all cotton ginned within Alabama.

Producers who grew cotton in 2014 or planted cotton in 2015 will be eligible to vote. Checkoff funds are used to finance research, education and promotion projects to improve profitability, production efficiency and utilization of cotton and cotton products.

On April 15, producers will be able to vote between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at their county polling site or sites. No proxy voting will be allowed, and no ballots will be accepted by mail. A list of polling places is shown below. 

For more information, contact Alabama Farmers Federation Cotton Division Director Carla Hornady at (334) 613-4216. The referendum is authorized by Act No. 81-388, Alabama Legislature of 1981 (Regular Session) as amended by Act No. 2002-152 and Act No. 2014-188 which amended Amendment 388 of the Constitution of the State of Alabama.

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