Sweet Grown Alabama Refuels Rocket City Runners

After a grueling, rainy Rocket City Marathon, more than 4,000 runners refueled depleted energy tanks with help from delicious, nutritious products grown by Alabama farmers. Treats at the finish line Dec. 15 in Huntsville included products provided by Alabama Peanut Producers Association, Sweet Grown Alabama and The Dairy Alliance.
“Elite athletes understand the value of fueling their bodies with healthy, locally grown products,” said Sweet Grown Alabama Director Ellie Watson. “We were proud to educate thousands of consumers about how they can find local products by visiting SweetGrownAlabama.org.”
Runners snacked on satsumas from Sessions Farm in Mobile County, roasted peanuts, Skippy peanut butter bites and chocolate milk. Grilled peanut butter and honey sandwiches were a favorite and used goods from Medders Family Farm in Shelby County and Belcher Bees Honey in Montgomery County.
“Chocolate milk and peanut butter are a great way to replenish nutrients after intense physical activity,” said Escambia County peanut farmer Jason Weber. “I’m glad we were able to share peanuts and other products with an appreciative crowd.”

Jason would know. He and wife Joyce wore dual hats that day, first completing the 13.1-mile half marathon in 2 hours and 17 minutes before divvying out sweet-and-salty peanut butter sandwiches to fellow runners. Franklin County peanut farmers Thomas and Shannon Murray were there, too, sharing smiles, snacks and stories with the athletes.