Young Farmers Gather To Learn, Network In Mobile

Over 400 Young Farmers and agribusiness professionals from across the state gathered in Mobile Feb. 28-29 to tour farms, network and honor exceptional farm families.
The Alabama Farmers Federation’s Young Farmers Conference also allowed Tommy Tuberville, the FarmPAC-endorsed candidate for U.S. Senate, to interact with and encourage young voters. FarmPAC is the Federation’s political action committee.
“If you work hard and have perseverance, you can find success at anything,” said Tuberville. “This country’s future is bright. You’re the lifeblood of this country.”
The conference featured tours across Mobile and Baldwin counties, where attendees learned from longtime farmers about a plethora of production practices, including row crops, horticulture, cattle, hay and specialty crops.
Outstanding Young Farm Family finalists were also named after in-person interviews with a panel of ag professionals. They are Joe and Ashley McCraney, Barbour County; Josh and Savannah McCoy, Dale County; and Ben and Bethany Johnson, Randolph County. Judges will visit their farms in May, and the winner will be announced during the Alabama Farm & Land Expo Aug. 1 in Mobile.