April 2016 Country Kitchen

April 2016 Country Kitchen

There is something so special about friends and family gathering around a table full of home-cooked food, laughing and sharing together. In the South, the act of serving others through food is especially cherished. And for Carol James, it’s a calling. more



At Jim and Jessica Yance’s home, when someone asks what’s for dinner, the answer usually includes beef. With a freezer full of beef raised right on their farm in Haleburg, a tiny town just outside Columbia, the Yances are always ready to whip up a home-cooked meal for their two boys, Tye, 5, and Reid, 8-months. more

March 2016 Country Kitchen

March 2016 Country Kitchen

Peanuts are one of America’s favorite foods — they’re versatile, nutritious and affordable. Without peanuts, many cakes, cookies, main dishes and party snacks would cease to exist, and peanut farmers Fred and Mary Helms of Rehobeth aim to make sure everyone knows just how valuable the peanut is. more



Since the beginning of time, humans have hunted for food, and although most people living in modern America have an ample supply of meat available thanks to hardworking farmers, many still find connecting with nature through hunting a worthwhile, enjoyable pursuit. more

January 2016 Country Kitchen

January 2016 Country Kitchen

Since the invention of slow cookers in the 1970s, life has been easier for busy cooks across the world. Throw a few ingredients into a pot, and after work, dinner is done. They’re not just good for making soup — slow cooker recipes could fill each section of a cookbook, from soups to main dishes to desserts. What’s not to love? more

December 2015 Country Kitchen

December 2015 Country Kitchen

No matter how you pronounce the word, pecans are the quintessential Southern nut. Pecans are grown commercially throughout Alabama, but even folks who didn’t grow up on a farm can probably remember picking up pecans year after year from a few trees in their grandma’s yard or buying bags of them from a neighbor and spending long afternoons practicing the perfect shelling method. Or maybe they have memories of stopping at Priester’s Pecans on their way to Mobile for some pecan-centric treats. more

November 2015 Country Kitchen

November 2015 Country Kitchen

As Thanksgiving approaches and plans are made to celebrate with immediate family, extended family, in-laws and friends, tasty memories of delicious turkey, ham, dressing and cranberry sauce begin to surface. more

October 2015 Country Kitchen

October 2015 Country Kitchen

The Alabama Farmers Federation Women’s Leadership Division sponsored its 40th Annual Heritage Cooking Contest Sept. 3 in Montgomery. more

September 2015 Country Kitchen

September 2015 Country Kitchen

Pork is the most commonly consumed meat in the world. While chops, loins, ribs, butts, sausage, bacon and ham may be what come immediately to mind when we think about pork, it has many other culinary applications. Cured meats like pepperoni and salami, pork rinds, pork belly and even pig feet are in high demand all over the globe. more