Recipes Recipe List: “January 1, Coon A La Delta

Coon A La Delta

Coon A La Delta
Coon A La Delta

Coon A La Delta


1 raccoon, dressed
Cayenne and black pepper to taste
Salt to taste
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 large onion, chopped
1 cup celery, chopped
1 medium bell pepper, chopped
6 medium sweet potatoes


Soak raccoon in mild vinegar solution for 1 hour. Drain. Cut up coon or cook whole, as desired. Salt and pepper coon and cover in water. Add cayenne pepper, garlic, onion, celery and bell pepper and parboil until partially tender. Remove from heat and drain. Brown coon in a small amount of shortening, then place in roasting pan. Make a thin brown gravy, seasoned as desired. Pour over coon in roasting pan; place peeled sweet potatoes around; and bake in 350 degree oven until potatoes are done. Mary Etta Wells, Clarke County