Get to Know the Alabama Farmers Federation
Want to know more about the Alabama Farmers Federation? Learn more about our history and purposed in this educational brochure.
Alabama Ag Facts
Alabama is home to thousands of farms specializing from beef and timber to cotton and honey. Learn important facts about Alabama Agriculture in this fun, fact-filled brochure.
Stronger Together: Farm State Of Mind
As any farmer or rancher can tell you, farm life can be demanding and stressful. If you are struggling with anxiety, depression
or another mental health challenge, you are not alone. A healthy farm or ranch is nothing without a healthy you.
Agriculture: Driving Alabama’s Economy
Alabama agriculture and forestry related industries account for 580,295 jobs and generate $70.4 billion for the economy. Find out more about the economic impact of Alabama’s top 10 agricultural commodities.
Skin Cancer Prevention
Farmers have an increased risk of skin cancer due to the amount of time spent outdoors. Discover what causes skin cancer, the most common types, warning signs and prevention measures.
Don’t Cross the Line: Put an End to Distracted Driving
Each year, thousands die as a result of distracted driving. Learn what causes distractions and how to prevent them. A “must read” for teens and parents.
Farm Safety
What is my responsibility as a motorist? What is my responsibility as a farmer? What is Alabama’s slow-moving vehicles law? Learn to share the road safely in this piece from the Alabama Farmers Federation.