July 2004 Neighbors

July 2004 Neighbors

Never before has a featured “Country Kitchen” cook come with the kind of unbridled praise that accompanied Lucine Sessions Bryant’s nomination. more

June 2004 Neighbors

June 2004 Neighbors

Hardly a month goes by in Alabama that a dairy farm doesn’t close its doors. But in Hale County, Joe and Linda Heurion are beating the odds and discovering a good—albeit demanding—lifestyle to boot. more

May 2004 Neighbors

May 2004 Neighbors

It could be that Vicki Harrison was a little biased in nominating Carol Sheridan of Sheffield as an outstanding candidate for “The Country Kitchen.” After all, Carol is Vicki’s mom. But indications are that if we were to poll others who know Carol and have enjoyed her good cooking-especially her out-of-this-world yeast rolls-they would unanimously back Carol’s candidacy. more

April 2004 Neighbors

April 2004 Neighbors

At first glance, these recipes from Debra Bowen probably won’t strike you as dishes for the calorie-conscious. But Debra and her husband, Larry, lost 30 pounds each a year ago and have managed to keep every bit of it off, even while enjoying their favorite foods, like beefy nachos, Debra’s own baked chicken salad and juicy steak pinwheels. more

Spring 04 F&F

Spring 04 F&F

Whether they’re tossed or chicken, taco or congealed, salads just seem to go with spring. In fact, when gardens come alive with flavor, it’s difficult for even “meat-and-potato” folks to resist the crispness of fresh fruits and vegetables. more

March 2004 Neighbors

March 2004 Neighbors

Let’s say we’re playing a word association game. I say, “Cobbler.” You say . . . “Lemons”? Maybe not now, but you just might after you try Marie Terrell’s Lemon Cobbler recipe, one of several recipes the Elmore Countian shares with Neighbors readers in this month’s “Country Kitchen.” more

February 2004

February 2004

Like most working mothers, Linda Holmes became adept through the years at juggling her responsibilities at work with those on the home front. While some things had to go, one thing she tried never to let slide was mealtime, especially when it came to breakfast. more

January 2004 Neighbors

January 2004 Neighbors

If you have resolved to spend less time in the kitchen this year, Annette Sturdivant is here to help you keep that resolution, with quick and easy recipes that are bound to become favorites for any busy family. more

December 2003

December 2003

The staff of the Alabama Farmers Federation shares some of its favorite holiday recipes with Neighbors readers. more