Spring 2003 Friends & Family

Spring 2003 Friends & Family

Springtime in Alabama means farmers markets and roadside stands soon will be brimming with fresh strawberries and other local produce.
To celebrate, “The Country Kitchen” has compiled a menu from Alabama Farmers Federation members which promises to take full advantage of the state’s diverse agricultural products.

March 2003 Neighbors

March 2003 Neighbors

Glenda Cardwell doesn’t hate to cook, but she admits that these days, if it isn’t quick and easy, forget it.

February 2003 Neighbors

February 2003 Neighbors

Nancy Dickerson learned the joys of cooking at a very early age.

January 2003 Neighbors

January 2003 Neighbors

When we asked county Women’s Committee chairmen to share their favorite holiday recipes for the December 2002 “Country Kitchen,” their response was incredible. It was so incredible, in fact, that even after Neighbors editor Jeff Helms graciously granted us a few extra pages, we still weren’t able to fit all those wonderful recipes in.

Recipe List: “December 1,

Recipe List: “December 1,

The invitation went out to all county Farmers Federation Women’s Committee chairman: Send us your favorites holiday recipes for a special Yuletide edition of “The Country Kitchen.” The response was incredible, in both quantity and quality, as you’ll see from the sampling of sensational recipes we were able to squeeze into the package below. Talk about visions of sugarplums. . . . more

Recipe List: “November 1,

Recipe List: “November 1,

Get Pat and Jim Robinson’s four children and their families together plus Pat’s four siblings and their families, and you’ve got a good 50-60 folks. That’s a heck of a crowd to host for Thanksgiving dinner, but Pat’s always up for the challenge. With the help of her two daughters, Fran McMurray and Elizabeth Langley, and daughter-in-law Lynn Robinson, Pat puts on a Thanksgiving feast fit for royalty. more

Recipe List: “October 1,

Recipe List: “October 1,

Don’t let that New York accent fool you. Marge Tompkins may have been born and raised on Long Island, but she considers herself a bona fide Southerner. And 51 years as an Alabama farm wife does tend to give her that right. She’s also a sensational cook, as her dear friend and fellow Bullock County Farmers Federation member Dorothy Reynolds told us in nominating Marge for the “Country Kitchen” spotlight. more

Recipe List: “September 1

Recipe List: “September 1

So thrilled was Pamela Lambert to find a Sorghum Skillet Cake recipe in the July issue of Neighbors she asked us to forward a special thank-you note to that month’s “Country Kitchen” cook. And “The Country Kitchen,” ever on the lookout for great cooks with great recipes, took the liberty of asking Pamela to share some of her favorites with other Neighbors readers. She was happy to oblige, with a collection ranging from her grandmother’s Ham Pie to Pamela’s highly popular Pickled Okra. more

Recipe List: “August 1, 2

Recipe List: “August 1, 2

La Rue Burt reads cookbooks like novels–perusing their pages, devouring every word, and delighting in the thousands of tantalizing recipes within their covers. But reading those recipes is as far as she gets. “I don’t ever actually try a one of them,” La Rue says from her Bibb County home on the Cahaba River. “No need to, when IÕve got all my ‘old faithfuls’ to fall back on.” more