Recipe List: “January 1,

Recipe List: “January 1,

This month, I’m going to take my turn. Though most of my favorite recipes are ones I’ve gotten from “The Country Kitchen,” I do have a few others on my list, and it’s high time I passed them along to you. In this assortment of uncomplicated, Creamer-family favorites, I hope you’ll find at least one that will wind up on your “best recipes” list. My sincerest thanks for letting me get this out of my system. I hope you’ll enjoy these recipes half as much as I enjoyed putting them together. more

Recipe List: “December 1,

Recipe List: “December 1,

They say Christmas brings out the best in folks, and that’s certainly true of the recipes prepared for this special edition of the “Country Kitchen.” As you gather with friends and family this Christmas season, the staff of the Alabama Farmers Federation hopes these recipes will help add a little extra flavor to your holiday celebrations. more

Recipe List: “November 1,

Recipe List: “November 1,

The holidays are always big family times at Doyle and Sylvia Phillips’ place in Clay County—and we’re not just talking Thanksgiving and Christmas, either. Every special occasion brings the four Phillips children and their families from their homes in Auburn, Talladega, Oxford and, in the case of son David, just next door, to their parents’ farm in the Delta community. The highlight of every visit is a meal that’s nothing short of a feast. more

Recipe List: “October 1,

Recipe List: “October 1,

Even back during the 15 years that she worked a full-time retail job in Dothan, Justine Joiner never minded getting home and heading straight for the kitchen to put a hearty meal on the table. And after long days tending cattle and working in their peanut, cotton, soybean and corn fields, her husband, Floyd, and the Joiners’ two boys, Chuck and Bill, undoubtedly were glad Justine saw things that way. more

Recipe List: “September 1

Recipe List: “September 1

If Suzanne Pearson ever had any leisure time, she might actually choose to spend some of it in the kitchen, where she might actually discover that cooking can be a pleasure.

Recipe List: “August 1, 2

Recipe List: “August 1, 2

Sure, Frankie Davis said. She’d be delighted to look through her files and put together some recipes for the August “Country Kitchen.”

Recipe List: “July 1, 200

Recipe List: “July 1, 200

If you appreciate and delight in great food—especially sensational sweets—Brenda Jones of Madison County has put together a recipe collection you’re going to love. Not only do these “Country Kitchen” recipes yield scrumptious results, but they’re quick and easy, to boot. more

Recipe List: “April 1, 20

Recipe List: “April 1, 20

Those soups and stews and hearty meals served you and your family well through the cold months of winter. But now that spring has sprung, your taste buds are telling you it’s time to lighten up the menu.

Recipe List: “June 1, 200

Recipe List: “June 1, 200

Not a Sunday goes by that Orval and Marge Pounders don’t have a houseful of after-church company at their Franklin County home. It’s just their four children and their families, but all total, that’s 18 folks to feed, virtually every Sunday. Doesn’t that get a bit rough on the host and hostess? “Not one bit,” Marge says. “We wouldn’t have it any other way. We’re a very ‘family-oriented’ family. Having everybody here is how we like it.” more