Recipe List: “May 1, 1998

Recipe List: “May 1, 1998

If Joyce Parker were to list her favorite pastimes and hobbies, cooking wouldn’t be among them. “Cooking has never been something I particularly enjoy,” Joyce says. “It’s just something that you do.” more

Recipe List: “May 1, 1999

Recipe List: “May 1, 1999

With summer just around the corner, the cooks in “The Country Kitchen” have gone fishin’. Catfishin’ that is. more

Recipe List: “May 1, 2000

Recipe List: “May 1, 2000

The Wild Game Supper at South Montgomery County Academy (SMCA) isn’t just about wild game. The school also hosted some wild appetites at its third annual supper last month in Grady. more

Recipe List: “November 1,

Recipe List: “November 1,

The first recipe in this month’s “Country Kitchen” is called One Great Salad. If you want to know the truth, though, you could add the words “One Great” to any of the other recipes that follow, and you’d be hitting it right on the money. more

Recipe List: “November 1,

Recipe List: “November 1,

When James and Martha Newby’s clan gathers at their Limestone County home for Thanksgiving dinner, it is some kind of spread. more

Recipe List: “October 1,

Recipe List: “October 1,

Among the dozens of “National Something-or-Other Month” observances that are being proclaimed around the nation this month, at least one deserves your attention. more

Recipe List: “October 1,

Recipe List: “October 1,

Nothing goes better with autumn family gatherings than a delicious pie featuring your favorite harvest flavors. Fortunately, the fall edition of the “Country Kitchen” is packed with award-winning pie recipes from some of the best cooks in Alabama. more

Recipe List: “September 1

Recipe List: “September 1

There’s nothing wrong with fancy foods and gourmet cooking; it’s just that they don’t do much for Venice Rains and her family. more

Recipe List: “September 1

Recipe List: “September 1

Probably one of the most versatile items on your grocery list–and it undoubtedly almost always is on your grocery list–is ground beef. more