Recipe List: “May 1, 1999

With summer just around the corner, the cooks in “The Country Kitchen” have gone fishin’. Catfishin’ that is.
For this month’s selection of tasty recipes, Neighbors polled some of state’s connoisseurs of farm-raised catfish to bring you a variety of dishes that will make fish ‘n’ chips seem, well, ordinary.
It’s our tribute to one of Alabama’s premier agricultural crops. With cash receipts totalling about $61 million, Alabama ranks second nationally in catfish production. But it’s the versatility of catfish that’s impressing chefs in the world’s finest restaurants.
In fact, the number of succulent catfish dishes is growing so rapidly, selecting a favorite was difficult for our cooks. Still, we narrowed it down to these “catches of the day.” They include catfish gumbo, Ralph Martin’s famous catfish dip and even a former champion in the National Farm-Raised Catfish Cooking Contest–Catfish With Bacon and Horseradish Sauce. In addition, there is a recipe for Catfish Amandine from the Catfish Institute. You’ll find more catfish creations at their website,
If none of these strike your fancy, one of our cooks offered this reminder, “Any dish you can make with chicken, you can make with catfish.” So dive in and discover catfish. Your family will gobble it up, hook, line and sinker.