June 2005 Neighbors

Ronnie Mobley says the recipes you’ll find in this month’s “Country Kitchen,” are ones she got over time from friends and family. Some of them, she says, she’s “had a hund’rd years.”
Well, not for that long, but at least for the 47 years she and her husband, Jerry, have been married.
The Winston County Women’s Committee chairman and State Women’s Committee member says that while she enjoys spending time in the kitchen, cooking and baking, if she had her ‘druthers, she’d be making music. In fact, she’s the lead singer and bass fiddle player for Splunge Creek Bluegrass, a bluegrass/gospel band named for the creek on which she and Jerry live and have their Charolais cattle operation. Incidentally, Jerry’s a Splunge Creek band member, too; he plays a mean guitar and mandolin.
The band’s biggest claim to fame to date: “We fronted for President Bush when he was in Montgomery earlier this year,” Ronnie says of that unforgettable experience. “We were his warm-up act. That was something else.”
Not that the old joke, “don’t give up your day job,” applies here, but the band really is just a hobby for Ronnie. She works full time-and has for 32-plus years—for District Judge Bobby Aderholt (father of Congressman Robert Aderholt), first in his manufacturing company but for the past 12 years as his judicial assistant. That’s a fitting role for someone as into Republican Party politics as Ronnie. She’s secretary of the Republican Party in the fourth congressional district, treasurer at the county and beat levels and a state Republican Party delegate—as is Jerry, who’s also chairman of the Winston County Commission. Most recently, Ronnie was named to a six-year term as the fourth district’s representative on the Alabama Water Resources Committee.
“I love politics and getting involved, I guess mainly because I love meeting and talking to people,” says Ronnie, one woman who probably truly can say she’s never been caught speechless.
But speechless you may be when you try these Ronnie Mobley specials. From her syrupy sweet Butter Rolls to Judge Aderholt’s own Old-Fashioned Beef Stew, these recipes from this mother of one and grandmother of two are downright awesome.