Recipes Recipe List: “March 15, 2

Recipe List: “March 15, 2

Recipe List: “March 15, 2

If mealtime at your house has become a tired routine—the same boring food night after night–it’s time to throw your dinner crowd for a loop.

Get ready to wow your family and dazzle your guests with this collection of four-star recipes. Serve these delicious dishes, and then just sit back and enjoy the praise. Folks will be ready to declare you a certified master chef.

Just one word of advice: Don’t share these recipes. That way, no one will ever know how amazingly simple they are.

They’ll never know, for instance, that the hardest part of making the elegant Ice Cream Sandwich Dessert is unwrapping the ice cream sandwiches. Or that the rich and cheesy chicken pasta dish has only four—that’s right, just four—simple ingredients. Or that it took you two minutes max to put together an incredible cake that’s better than, well, that’s Better Than a Candy Bar. And they’ll think you worked all day to make enough delicious Snappy Barbecue Beef to feed a throng, when all you really had to do was throw a roast in a crockpot.

These recipes come courtesy of Conecuh County resident Melissa Dunn and Jamie Creamer and Joan Smith of Lee County. It’s phenomenal food that’s easier than pie.